The President
Mrs. Rosemary W. Kamunya holds a Master of Arts degree in Community Care and HIV/AIDS- University of Wales, Britain and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Hon) from University of Nairobi.
Mrs. Rosemary W. Kamunya has vast experience of over 35 years in management and training in the health sector having served in senior positions in government hospitals, local and international private health organizations, rising to the position of Senior Regional Technical Advisor of Training with JHPIEGO under Global Learning Office.
She was a master trainer and facilitator of the ICM conference in Praque, ECSACON conference in Arusha Tanzania, CONAMA conference in Nairobi and mentored ICM trainers.
In the last three years, she has provided technical expertise in mentoring the Jhpiego Myanmar MNH teams in strengthening the pre-service education to over 60 teams. She is a skills coordinator, training 35 faculty members on effective teaching skills and student performance programme for over 60 faculty members.
She led a pre-service program in Kenya (strengthening systems in Comprehensive Reproductive Health) and trained over 110 lecturers/teachers on facilitation skills from the Pre-service program in Lesotho.
From Jhpiego Uganda MNH program, Rosemary trained over 80 trainers, 60 Post-Partum IUCD (PPIUCD) service providers, over 105 Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (BEmONC) and 40 CEmONC service providers. She also mentored 50 trainers during 6 clinical training skills course and BEmONC -20 from Uganda, 10 from Lesotho, 6 from Liberia, 8 from Zambia and 6 from Nigeria. She supports Kenyan programs through mentorship, training trainers and MNCH team members.
She was a lead trainer in the implementation of the CDC pre-service program in capacity building for the lecturers on training skills, coaching and mentoring the new ones. Managed and led all USAID-funded RH/FP training activities in the design and implementation for the, APHIA and CDC Projects and also for other donors as need arose.
In the past 3 years she has been responsible for training and evaluating more than 400 health care providers, over 150 community health workers and over 200 trainers on Clinical Training Skills (facilitation demonstration, coaching and skills), 150 pre service lecturers on effective facilitation skills, and over 100 of them on Student Performance Assessment.
She is a practicing nurse-midwife with more than thirty three (33) years’ experience in the management and evaluation of in-country Reproductive Health (RH) programs, health care delivery, training including community involvement to create demand for Integrated RH/FP/HIV services at both community and facility levels. She has provided technical assistance to developing countries in Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Swaziland, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Lesotho, Zambia and Nigeria) and Eastern Europe (Kosovo).
Mrs. Rosemary has experience in training teams on instructional design workshops, material development, fostering linkages/collaborations among community care providers and leaders, health care providers, and the Ministry of Health to strengthen implementation of program goals and objectives—including coaching and mentoring Ministry of Health staff, consultants and counterparts to ensure sustainability of programs.
She has managed, coordinated and conducted numerous training and facility needs assessment for Reproductive health, conducted supportive supervision post training, providing technical assistance in development of national family planning and Training Performance Standards and guidelines.
She also has experience in the integration of MNCH, RH/FP with HIV/AIDS, including counseling and quality of health care services for over 30 years, providing mentorship, support and coaching. She provides technical assistance to the ministry of health – Division of Reproductive Health and Kenya Medical Training Colleges in curriculum reviews and development.
Between February and March 2012 provided technical assistance in Uganda in review and updating Life Saving Skills (LSS) curriculum, development of On the Job Training (OJT) package for Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care followed by supervision, mentorship of Candidate Master Trainers.
She is the organizing secretary of the White Ribbon Alliance – Kenya that focuses on advocating for women delivery with skilled attendant to reduce maternal mortality. Served in the regional NCCK for over 5 years as the honorary treasurer and member and, as a national board member of the YMCA as well as the vice chairperson for over three terms (over 10 years) and was women representative at the Africa YMCA, and Global YMACA for over 5 years. She also served as chairlady of the SWAK Nyeri district for over ten years. She is a member of the National Nurses of Kenya, the Midwives chapter, ECSACON, and the private nurses’ practitioner.